1. Awake
The slope was very steep, the road was very narrow, so it was difficult to pass anyone. He sat on the back of her bike and held on to her. He wanted to close his eyes because he got dizzy from looking down. If she lost control of the bike and the bike went off the road and they fell down the mountain slope they would probably die, or, with any luck, be seriously injured at least. He could not keep his eyes closed for long because he felt he had a purpose on this journey, he had to be awake, had to lean in the right direction as they turned in order to keep them both on the bike and prevent them from falling down the mountain. They were very relieved when they had finally come the whole way down the mountain. She parked her bike in a designated parking spot for bikes and they walked towards a big barn that looked like a deserted farm in the wilderness. The purpose of their travels was to visit this barn, they walked into a large hall that was a combination of an art museum and a sports hall. His eyes scanned the hall, about one third of it was a traditional art exhibition with paintings and drawings, the largest work, the centerpiece of the exhibition was a rough bed made of wood and it had been painted in many prominent colors. The bed was oversized, he imagined that this bed could be for giants or big trolls. He knew many of the works that were on display, he had read about them and seen pictures but he always found it so uplifting to actually observe and honour these works with his own eyes. The whole other part of the hall was a sports field, the sports field had a traditional sports floor with line markings for various sports. Both the junior national basketball team and the junior national handball team were on the field. It was amazing to see both of these teams practice their sport on the same field at the same time, each team followed its own lines and it never happened that any players crashed into each other or were in any way disturbing or interrupting each other's game, it worked like clockwork. They stood for a good while and watched the practice after they had looked at the art exhibition. They were not quite sure but it came to their minds and they discussed it among themselves, that the two training sessions were like a well rehearsed dance piece, where each player or dancer knew exactly what to do and also knew exactly what everyone else was doing. In their opinion, this training or dance was the best and most interesting art piece in the hall and in their opinion became the exhibition's new centerpiece.